When at least half of the year is wet in Vancouver BC, it’s always a good idea to have proper wet-weather preparations, whether that means buying a new coat or getting better tires for your vehicle. We don’t get incredibly cold weather here in Vancouver BC most years, luckily, but ice and snow still usually arrive at least once a year. This in particular can be a big cause for concern when it comes to leaky roofs.
If you want to get truly ready for everything that wet and cold weather can bring with it, now is the time to consider whether your roof needs any attention put on it. Here is what you need to know.
The inside of your home can become damaged due to roof leaks
If you haven’t had your roof inspected for a while, you may need to have it repaired or replaced. If you don’t do this, you could find that the harsher weather that arrives in the fall and winter–which includes everything from strong rainstorms to ice and snow–will leave the inside of your home with noticeable damage.
Leaks could occur if you don’t get the problem addressed soon enough, and these leaks could cause stains that will ruin your floors, rugs and furniture. You ceiling is the first place that will get hit with damage.
Your home could also become damaged in areas you usually wouldn’t notice
Another problem that is the likely prospect of a roof leak resulting in damage that you don’t see. Roof leaks can leave damage down your walls and in your attic, for instance. The big problem with these situations is that rot, mold and other concerns will only get worse with time, if you don’t have your roof looked at before the damage begins during the winter. If you don’t get your roof inspected before the harsh weather comes, you many not discover these concerns until they’ve already begun to grow.
You can discover whether you should get a roof repair or replacement completed by getting a professional roof inspection. Ideally you should do this when the chance of snow or ice is still small. Your Vancouver roofers will then have plenty of time to fix any problems they find before harsher weather conditions make it more difficult to get up on the roof safely.
We invite you to contact us at Kanga Roofing to get experienced, customer-focused roof repair contractors on the job. Reach us online or by phone to find out more about our services.